Sunday, June 28, 2009

Long Weekend

Well I ended my perfume trial on Friday, thankfully! I'm sick of smells. I did like Thursday's perfume but the rest were overwhelming. I've also gotten a few more freebies! Aside from coupons I got some more books to review, a Flip Video Camera for a YoPlait project I'm working on, a Little People princess palace type dvd for Ella and a cell phone. They have a program ongoing for low income families where you can get a cell phone for free and 60 something minutes each month so I took advantage of it, nice to have for emergencies! I just can't figure out how to activate the darn thing yet. I've followed the instructions but it keeps saying unsuccessful. Oh well.

Other than that I've been doing a garage sale all weekend so that's been busy but slow, if that makes sense! I made a whole $20, the rest of the family had more luck at least! And my car is in the shop for a week for body work (after some guy smashed my back driver side door in).

I am reading my new Amazon Vine book, If Ignorance is Bliss why aren't there more Happy people. I love it! It's like a dictionary of quotes, and I <3>

A word to the wise isn't necessary, it's the stupid ones that need the advice! (So true!)

The book is a blast and I recommend it to all who love quotes!

I saw the Boy in the Striped Pajamas this weekend, very tragic. There's nothing not tragic about Holocaust movies, though. It's hard to review without giving too much away but basically, the son of a Nazi general befriends a jewish boy who is stuck in a camp. It's all downhill from there and has many lessons to be learned.

Also tested out the new Hartz Dog treats. Well, Dobey tested them anyways, lol. He doesn't care for them much, but he ate them. Slowly. Which is unusual for him. They do seem to help with his breath and teeth though but it recommends giving him 2 a day, which I think is way too much.

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