Monday, June 22, 2009

Perfume Trial

I don't normally wear perfume as I don't care for heavy scents or like most of their smells. I got picked to take part in a perfume trial for this week though, so I'm doing it. Each day this week I use a different perfume (they came in pre-marked envelopes with each day of the week on them), and I fill out a survey at the end of each day. The fun part is I have no idea what scent I'm sampling! I hope they tell me at the end in case I do like one.

I also got a bunch of samples in the mail today, yay! Lavera Naturkosmetik organic skin care face mask, in wild rose scent. I love the smell of rose so I look forward to sampling that! I also got coupons for free Velveeta shells and cheese Cups, that you make in the microwave. Mircowaved mac and cheese sounds gross, but we'll check it out! And another coupon to sample Charmin Ultra Soft and review that. I also got a pack of Kotex liners and pull-ups for potty training (even though Ella's past that). I love getting goodies in the mail!

Amazon invited me to participate in a program I didn't even know they had, Amazon Vine. Basically, once a month they send out a newsletter with new products and I get to pick 2 of them to try and keep and all I have to do is review it! I love it. Mostly it's books but sometimes there is software, food or other household products. After a week when all the Vine members get a chance to pick from the new items, we are allowed to go back and pick 2 more from whats left of that month and previous months. So far I have gotten a few books, an anti-virus program and an energy drink. I just ordered another book and dog treats from the new newsletter so I look forward to getting those! I'm not sure how to join it, they just invited me and I review a lot on there, as well as buy a lot, so that could be a factor. Who knows?

My, this perfume is overwhelming. I don't care for it so far and I fele itchy wear I sprayed it!

I just finished The Venus Fix by M.J. Rose, and I thought it was brilliant! I picked this up casually, thinking it sounded interesting but doubting I'd get into it. Boy was I happily surprised! I couldn't put it down and found that even with taboo subjects, the author kept the story on a serious note without being too "smutty", I guess is the word I would use. I typically don't care for too much sex/romance in my stories, but she blended it all in and made me care. The plot was good, the characters complex, and even thought I thought I knew who was doing it pretty much from the get-go, I had no idea until the end when it all came together masterfully. I almost always figure the killer or plot out sooner than I'd like, but this was very satisfying in revealing nothing until it was time. I even found myself going back and rereading the killer's letter entries to tie it all in together in a new way. Brilliant, just brilliant! I will be picking up more from this author!

I also watched a few new movies this weekend, and they all sucked. Bleh! Zombie Strippers, Baby Blues and Bane. Zombie Strippers was as lame as it sounds, but being a zombie buff I had decided to try it anyways. I mean, Freddy Krueger was in it! But yes, still lame. Cheesy, corny and just lame. Guys might like it for the naked strippers, even though they were zombies.
Baby Blues could have had potential but it failed. It is about a mother of 4 who suffers postpartum depression after her newest baby and her husband being away all the time as a trucker. It really could have had potential. But it went campy and she basically just lost it and went after all her kids, never stopping to show any humanity left or think. It was unreal to me, and not in a believable "she snapped" kinda way. Just unreal and campy. It could have been done so real, heartbreaking and sad, but it failed.
And Bane. Oh Bane. Take a serial killer slasher and mix it with a futuristic alien sci-fi takeover, and reveal none of that until the end, and you have Bane. Well, describing it makes it sound better than what it is. It's campy, the aliens fake looking, and the actors poor. It played like a made for Sci-Fi movie and failed like the worst one of those. It is just not worth the watch, trust me. It was soooo stupid.

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